Code of Chivalry


The Realm of the Blue Dragon


Defend thy Realm and promote its cause
To protect the weak and defenseless
Give alms to the poor as ye are able
To live by honour and for glory
Forgive as ye hope to be forgiven
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To guard the honour of fellow knights
To obey those placed in authority
Redeem the captive
At all times to speak the truth
Never to turn the back upon a foe
Defend the cause of the Order
Help the oppressed
Do not consent to any wrong
Be humble and kind
Serve your realm faithfully
Do not steal
Do not perjure yourself, nor let others do so
Envy and hatred  separate men from the Realm
Do ill to no man, nor consent unto such as do, for the receiver is as bad as the thief